
Saturday, 3 October 2015

Vexy Review #1 Sweetease Waxing Kits

Hello Vexers and Vexettes,

How are you doing? Long time no speak I know! But life, bills and other things got in the way which I sincerely apologise for... don't be mad at me please pick up your bottom lip and don't give me dirty looks please!

I'll be doing a video next week to explain what I've been too in my hiatus but firstly let me thank you for all that still have been writing, commenting and supporting me in my business endeavours I appreciate it more than you can imagine, it's because of you I've come back to blogging, vlogging and raging!

Anyway let me get started.. ladies as we know hair is the BANE OF OUR LIVES. It's annoying, wish I was born hair-less (apart from the hair on my scalp...that's important) but we spend a lot of time, money and deep breaths getting rid of our hair.

It's especially draining for me as I suffer from PCOS so my life is constant struggle of trying to not look like the Beast from X-Men...not cute at all. Now when it comes to hair removal, I prefer waxing for many different reasons, its quick and the results last longer than shaving. By the way ladies, you should only be mainly using hot wax when it comes to your intimates and other areas, learn from me because when I used to strip wax I would accidentally punch my beautician...reflex when I'm in pain..I'm lucky she didn't sue me to be honest. Also when you strip wax and the hair begins to grow back it makes you itch and it's not ladylike when we've all been there when we've had to sprint to the bathroom to relieve that itch...don't act like it's only me if your smiling you've been there too.

These wax kits make it easy for you to wax yourself at home, and I don't have much patience as you can guess so I need something quick, simple and easy.

Sweetease waxing strips do exactly that, they are easy-to-use strips that leave you feeling like you've gone to the salon without you having to pay the salon prices! The strips also come with pre-coated wax strips, 2 after wax wipes and instruction cards (but it is pretty self-explanatory) what I really love about these strips, are they are Vanilla wax strips so they smell gorgeous and will not irritate the skin.

I used the face waxing kit firstly and was impressed with them as well as horrified at how much hair I have on my sideburns!

Sweetease waxing strips are exclusively available in Superdrugs £3.99 for the face waxing kit and £.499 for the leg waxing kits which is a bargain and you all know how much I love a bargain!!  Let me know what you think if you use them, and I will be having a giveaway very soon so much sure you subscribe and follow my blog, website and Instagram!

@VexInTheCityUK (Twitter)
@delia_rene (Instagram) 

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